NLM DIR Seminar Schedule



Scheduled Seminars on Jan. 24, 2023

Joseph Schafer
11 a.m.
Presentation Title
Evolutionary selection of proteins with two folds
Virtual - see link below

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Although most globular proteins fold into a single stable structure, an increasing number have been shown to remodel their secondary and tertiary structures in response to cellular stimuli. State-of-the-art algorithms predict that these fold-switching proteins assume only one stable structure, missing their functionally critical alternative folds. Why these algorithms predict a single fold is unclear, but all of them infer protein structure from coevolved amino acid pairs. Here, we hypothesize that coevolutionary signatures are being missed. Suspecting that single-fold variants could be masking these signatures, we developed an approach to search both highly diverse protein superfamilies–composed of single-fold and fold-switching variants–and protein subfamilies with more fold-switching variants. This approach successfully revealed coevolution of amino acid pairs uniquely corresponding to both conformations of 54 fold-switching proteins from distinct families. Then, using a set of coevolved amino acid pairs predicted by our approach, we successfully biased AlphaFold2 to predict two experimentally consistent conformations of a candidate protein with unsolved structure. The discovery of widespread dual-fold coevolution indicates that fold-switching sequences have been preserved by natural selection, implying that their functionalities provide evolutionary advantage and paving the way for predictions of diverse protein structures from single sequences.