NLM DIR Seminar Schedule



Scheduled Seminars on Feb. 2, 2023

Aleksey Ogurtsov
3 p.m.
Presentation Title
MiCId, a fast Microorganism Classification and Identification workflow with accurate statistics
Virtual - see link below

Contact with questions about this seminar.


Microorganism Classification and Identification (MiCId) is a workflow that uses high resolution tandem mass spectrometry data to rapid and accurate identifications/classifications of microbes in complex samples. MiCId identifies microorganisms by using reliably identified peptides as supporting evidence. The rapid identification/classification of microorganisms in the pipeline is built upon a peptide-centric database that allows for the fast retrieval of peptides and taxonomical information. The identification strategy employs a hierarchical approach starting with phylum level and then descending one level at a time.

To make data analysis accessible to a broader range of users, a graphical user interface (GUI) for MiCId’s workflow has been developed. The GUI allows user to simplify the user’s routine tasks: constructing peptide-centric microorganismal databases, constructing antibiotic resistance protein databases, performing microorganism identification along with the identification of proteins and antibiotic resistance proteins, and estimating sample’s microorganismal-biomass composition. The graphical user interface enables fast and automated data analysis and offers tools to visualize and export results.