NLM DIR Seminar Schedule



Scheduled Seminars on Feb. 11, 2025

Po-Ting Lai
11 a.m.
Presentation Title
Enhancing Biomedical Relation Extraction with Directionality
Hybrid - TEAMS

Contact with questions about this seminar.


Biological relation networks contain rich information for understanding the biological mechanisms behind the relationship of entities such as genes, proteins, diseases, and chemicals. The vast growth of biomedical literature poses significant challenges updating the network knowledge. The recent Biomedical Relation Extraction Dataset (BioRED) provides valuable manual annotations, facilitating the development of machine-learning and pre-trained language model ap-proaches for automatically identifying novel document-level (inter-sentence context) relationships. Nonetheless, its annotations lack directionality (subject/object) for the entity roles, essential for study-ing complex biological networks. Herein we annotate the entity roles of the relationships in the Bi-oRED corpus and subsequently propose a novel multi-task language model with soft-prompt learning to jointly identify the relationship, novel findings, and entity roles. Our results include an enriched Bi-oRED corpus with 10,864 directionality annotations. Moreover, our proposed method outperforms existing large language models such as the state-of-the-art GPT-4 and Llama-3 on two benchmarking tasks.

Microsoft Teams

Meeting ID: 224 443 106 522
Passcode: 5he64w7k